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18 March, 2002 - 7:09 p.m.

Now that i've got my life back, I seem to have dropped back to my normal updating frequency of once every few days. La de Da.

I still have no voice, I did find out though, that it's chicken pox related. bleh.

I started back to work today, yay. It was nice to be back.

There is a patron at work that is starting ot disturb me. I can't stand to be around him now. i was supposed to be working in the stacks, and i just couldn't cuz he was there. He sits in the aisle on the floor, usually with some electronics related book, and he crosses himself and says "jesus christ" each time he turns a page. I've seem people do this with the bible, but never a regular book. this disturbs me. unfortunatly we can't do anything, other than ask him not to sit in the aisle. he's not bothering anyone other than me, or at least, no one has complained, even though he says it sort of loud. blegh. the weirdos you witness when you work in the downtown area of a big city.


It's cold! (huddles under blanket)

The cat broke my keyboard. I Works okay now, but the special hotkeys and the lights are broken. silly thing knocked it off the desk.


Visiting with friends.

Sugar! Chocolate! Sugar and Chocolate!

Roomie got Madonna's Like a v1rgin cd. hehe it's been sooo long since i've heard some of those songs... It's great :}

Japanese food. Yum.

Now playing: Offspring- self esteem, MTX- our love will last forever and ever

(sings) So if we're not vaporized in WWIII, and there's nothing good tonight on tv, and you don't meet somebody with more money than me, our love will last forever and ever. so lets hope the world won't end and promise once again that if the world don't end and the sky don't fall, and if there's nothing happening at the mall..



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