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21 March, 2002 - 7:30 p.m.

Grr i had something to write about here, but of course i forgot by the time i got near a computer.

My voice is almost back totally. yay.

Hmm I got two free copies of the game "anarchy online" Feh. It's not my thing, being a RPG and a kill people type game. If anyone wants it, lemme know and it's yours.

I've been pondering a lot today and yesterday on the different meanings of love. I read a cool quote at werk today, i didn't write it down, but it was from a gay man's speech and was to the effect of:

"Having s&x with men doesn't make me gay, Loving them does. Looking at a man and being able to say I would like to spend the rest of my life with him because I love him, makes me gay."

It was just a intelligent and thought prevoking quote.

I'm sure i muddled it totally, but oh well.


mean kitties

internet connections that don't work


being appriciated


fluffy pink fairy penguins

boys that wear pants with lots of shiney things like metal rings and zippers. Mmm shiney.

now playing: erasure- oh l'amour, boney m - rasputin



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