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24 March, 2002 - 10:34 a.m.

thursday night i hung out with lokifox, we watch some anime, and slept. Of course, i woke at 3am and was totally awake. Blech.

Friday I just did laundry, and talked to veganboy, and he wanted to go get a new HD, so i tagged along thinking to maybe get a new cd-rom drive, and a fan for my puter since it was overheating a bit. got a cheap little fan that helps some,a nd a dvd rom since it was on sale. my 'puter is running a lot smoother now that i yanked the dead cd rom drive. yay. i needed to be up around 8am on saturday, so i thought about going to sleep early, but i ended up chatting and playing with my new dvd drive :}.

tried to get up in time, saw it was raining and went back to sleep. my dad called around 9:20 saying it was bright and sunny in the city, so i got up and took the train up there to meet him. I actually had a lot of fun. We had lunch , went and spent 3 hours at the exploratorium, then wandered to the wharf to find somewhere to wait, since it was 5 and veganboy was gonna come up for dinner. we wandered a few shops, then once he called and said he was on his way, we headed to a bar and loitered to wait. It was fun to talk to him. we talked about a lot of geekstuff. I have a better puter than him, finally. and he talked about some of the old computers, how fast they've changed and such. we talked about work, and a bunch of other stuff... once veganboy showed up, we tried to find parking, and searched for 30 minutes, and finally stopped looking for food places and deemed we'd find somewhere once we parked. we found a parking garage downtown that was not full, and wlaked about 1/2 block before we found a nifty place that serves a bunch of different stuff, indian, thai, japanese foods. dad got thai fried rice, veganboy got this indian bread stuff (naan?) and ginger grilled shittake mushrooms,a dn i got the bread stuff and tiger prawns grilled in soy and this BBQ-ish sauce. and they make their sodas there, and veganboy said it was the spicyest ginger soda he'd had , he liked it :} we ended up leaving around 10ish since veganboy had to go to work. we dropped dad off at the train station, and then veganboy dropped me off and headed home quick to find something to eat for lunch at werk.

I pretty much got inside, and crashed. fell asleep before midnight.

I had some really weird dreams last night. i had one where me, veganboy, lokifox and CRG got sucked into another universe by some void, and I liked it there, but they didn't , adn they thought they needed me to get back, so they started trying to kidnap me. and i found out all they had to go back was hold hands and think about home while standing next to this one pond and then jump in, and i tried to tell them, but they wouldn't listen, and kept trying to kidnap me. Meanies!

I had another one where i needed to get someones address online, and i was stuck using a computer with a bad connection, and a program that closed when you were disconnected, and it kept disconnecting before i could copy it down. I had another one, but it was similar to the first one.


lusting after shiny things can be agrivating.

I need to clean my room. one corner is just piled with stuff, mostly books, and empty shopping bags and empty boxes. i mostly just need to run stuff out to the trash bin, and put the books in the bookcase, but...i'm lazy

i need cat litter, but it's been raining and walking with a bag of cat litter just doesn't sound productive.


Good moods

attempting to figure out "stuff"

having fun

being able to watch dvd's in my room now.

my obnoxious jewel heart belt

now playing: siouxsie - face to face, offspring- want you bad



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