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25 March, 2002 - 2:46 p.m.

My cat sucks. I'm currently tempted to sell him, Cheap! He's lucky he's so cute, cuz i prolly won't sell him to a science lab or anything. He peed on my favourite powerpuff girls backpack, and subsquently some of the thingymagumies i had affixed to it.

SO, i wandered out to buy a new one. I didn't like any of hte kids ones i saw, it's not back to school time, so there are just a few to be found, so i just got a normal purple one with lots of zippers and pockets :} while i was out, i picked up some pretty rose scented votive candles, and some free thai food. Yum.

the safeway online store just added our zip code to their delivery area. me and roomie have signed up. Yay :} it's expensive, but we are lazy, and it means i don't have to carry groceries home, and she doesn't have to deal with the toddling monster eyeing everything sugary in the store.


Cat, Grrrr.

Forgetting that the oreo shakes at old spaghetti factory taste yucky and ordering one.

Veganboy's dsl is broken, so i can't check my email.


cleaning my room a small bit.

silly pointless websites

now playing: Nothing in my room, but roomie is blasting the soundtrack to "gentlemen prefer blondes"



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