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31 March, 2002 - 12:49 a.m.

The adventurous life I lead.

Got a the last few puter bits i need to put together my old puter. so worked on that tonight. veganboy came over and helped. he left around 11.40 pm

He missed all the fun! around midnight there was a group of three people screaming and yelling and cussing up a storm in the parking lot outside my window. they sounded like they were just venting and no one was getting hurt, so i let it be. about 12.30, they started up again, this time with the sound of breaking glass and like someone what hitting something against metal. I called 911 at this point, since it was after midnight, and for all i know, they could be hurting eachother or cars. They thanked me and sent someone over. the police are wandering around now. it looks like they have one of them in custody, so they were doing something bad. so yay me. I was kinda worried about calling 911, since there were no apparent dead/dieing people, but apparently it was the good choice.

As far as the rest of my day, i did laundry, cleaned my room some( cleaned out the drawer of my puter desk and cleaned up the pile of books and stuff that has been laying in the corner for about a month), changed the litterbox, and took out trash from the bathroom and my room (my room twice since i filled it again cleaning my room), and got $ for rent.


I'm hungry, but it's 1am.



cleaning the drawer for my desk, it was so full it wouldn't close, i threw out about half the contents

cold soda

happening to tune in to a local college station during a goth hour featuring primarily stuff done of mixed by sasha K

getting another of the coupons for lane bryant, to get $75 worth of stuff for $50. I will have to go in the week is good and see if there is anything good that i need.



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