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01 April, 2002 - 11:32 a.m.

Well, I went in to talk with the landlady about our fridge. Apparently The People that do the fridge installation stuff told her it had been done already. So she ordered another one, rush, so it should be here tomorrow. we are 'possed to come and tell her wed. morning if it's not.

The fun thing, is that she said we need to have any magnets and stuff off of it, somewhere (cleared counterspace) to put the food that's in the fridge. all the stuff we have stored on top of it moved, and she said if we could please clean it, so they don't have to deal with nasty moldy foodstuffs.

i've got all the magnets (the bad thing about magnetic poetry, it's a pain to get off!) and cleaned off the stuff on top of it and moved it to the dining table. next is cleaning bad food and doing more dishes so that there can be counterspace.

did a lot of cleaning yesterday too, and worked on puter stuff.

woke up really early this morning, 7am. so now it feels like it should be afternoon time and it's not even noon yet


Lokifox has found a new toy, so i will prolly be seeing less of him again. bah.

talking with GrinningGirl some, she is confusing some.

I need a switch box thingy cuz i have only one monitor for two puters :P they are only $6 or so, but it requires going to fry's :}



albertson's brand cookies, of which most are now yummy and vegan!



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