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01 April, 2002 - 9:55 p.m.

Yay! more to post here about. I got a call from Bob, who i last talked too when she got in a nasty car accident and totalled her car. She called to say she won the settlement. she didn't get too much, just around $5000, but it's enough to put a down on a new car, so she's going car shopping next week, and she said she wants to celebrate by coming up and spending a weekend up here soon :} Yay I get to see Bob! I love Bob. She's a pain, but that's what little sisters are for, no? :} *Dances around in happy circles* i shall have to talk to veganboy and CRG and see if they want to try to go do something fun all together, cuz they both like visiting Bob too.

I watched the toddling monster for 3 hours tonight while roomie went to a meeting (she bribed me with a case of soda, and i was going to be home anyways) We watched 2 episodes of the simpsons, and then watched Willow. she held my hand during the scary parts, of course, so i wouldn't get scared. :} the only pesty thing was when willow said the baby needed milk, toddling monster declared SHE wanted milk, so we had to stop and go to the kitchen and have a glass of milk, of which she drank 4 sips before wanting to go back to watchign the movie :} I was smart enough to only fill the glass 1/3 full in the first place, understanding that it was merely the power of suggestion speaking :}


it's only 10, and i'm really tired.



thoughts that bring smiles. Love is an interesting thing. there are only a few things/people that i love, and all of them, just a thought of them makes me smile. Over time, i think that's how you truely know if you love something. be it a thing, a place, a person. over the days, months, years, they still make you smile just to think of them.

getting stuffies piled all over me, it's the second time in a month i've had that happen to me, it's fun :}

Curl, my tiger kitty stuffie

now playing: offspring - million miles away. mtx- you're the only one.



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