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04 April, 2002 - 7:27 p.m.

Today has been a weird week thusfar.

Bah. Roomie forgot to pay the electric bill, AGAIN. *Grumbles lots*

One of the guys at werk told me i am sexy because i have really sexy hair. I'm not sure what to think of this. I Went with my instinctive responce, and inquired when he got into smoking crack... I'm not sure if he's trying to flirt, or if he's just being his weird self, cuz he's one of the good-type-weirdos at my werk.

I got a nifty note from my boss for a job well done because things were insane on tuesday because a ton of kids came in to work on school reports. there were whole shelves of books dumped on the floor and such.

I went and played DDR and superpuzzlefighterII at the nickel arcade on tues night with tyger, that was very fun.

wed night i hung out with lokifox for a little bit, but he couldn't visit for long since he has class early in the morning on thurs.


annoying people who think "customer service" translates to "you are my slave and you will do my bidding and do all my research and gruntwork for me"

trying to find a bday present for someone and not finding anything that screams "i want to belong to person you are shopping for"

I am a moron and can't remember the root password for CH0re :{ I can be such an idiot at times

getting to the pharmacy 3 minutes after they close :P



Helping a person who is completely non-geek with a puter problem

Maybe finding someone to work on randomnothings.

getting to visit so many people this week

now playing: Offspring - dammit i changed again



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