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07 April, 2002 - 10:34 p.m.

Today was an interesting day. full of lots of ups and downs.

I thought about something I haven't thought about in over a month today.

I'm feeling sad right now. I feel like something I want Is just held out of my grasp and i can almost reach it. almost. I know that I just have to Stick with the wonderful memories i have. It's funny, how with memories, Years can seem like days, and vice versa. I hope I never forget. There's so many things I left unsaid, But saying them now won't change anything.


There are just some rules of life that people shouldn't break.

I have Cramps. Cramps SUCK. Grrr. Being a girl sucks sometimes. I'm sure being a guy sucks sometimes too, but.

Feeling kinda unloved and whiney and stuff today.

Realizing i have nothing in my possession to remind me of someones effect on my life. I have things from many people about my room, but there is something missing.


The Paper cranes Hanging from the shelf next to my desk, part of a memory i hope never to let go of.

Clean laundry

Veganboy, Who can always make me smile.

Silly cheap toys

That even though I am feeling sad, It is just sadness, it will go away. It Will not consume me, it will not control me. It's just a small part of how i feel, the surface of the mirror. the reflection in the depths is still smiling.

now playing: Dar - that's what i hear in these sounds, dramarama - anything anything, TMBG - istanbul



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