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09 April, 2002 - 9:25 a.m.

Too much stuff going on. I just want to hide. Curl up and hide and not come out for a while. I've felt sick to my stomach since sunday, and i donno if i'm sick, or just sick of/from everything. On thier own, i could cope. but it's just too much. I'm absorbing a lot of the emotions around me, which isn't really good. I kept crying at work yesterday. and Veganboy came over and let me cry on him. I was good and managed to stay happy when tyger came over and we had stuff to do, though. I don't wanna go to work today, but i need to. I want to be happy, deep inside, i'm still happy, but outside i'm absorbing too much of the unhappyness around me.


I should leave for work in 30 minutes, and i haven't even got out of bed yet.

gardeners who are loud and spreading pollen all over and making me sneeze


Pretty sparklies. I need to find something to hoard, I am feeling dragonic, I want sparklies, lots of sparklies, though i'm a kitty, so i don't really care if they are valuable, just that they are sparklies...

Babies. babies are cute when they are far away and quiet. There should be less babies though. there are too many humans on this planet. They are cute, but moderation, please.


the smurfs



people who make me giggle.


now playing: tori amos- baker baker, offspring - dirty magic, linkin park - runaway , incubus- clean



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