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11 April, 2002 - 8:55 p.m.

I'm bored.

I wonder how much you can tell about a person by their desk?

*begin boredom induced inventory of desk*

-empty can of Pibb extra

-empty can on Dr. pepper

-half full can of coca cola from which i am currently drinking

-two empty cups

- rose scented votive candle


-cell phone

-cheezy burger king toy aquired at openning of harry potter movie

- small decorated box currently devoid of contents

- wire basket full of stuff

stuff in basket is:

-two containers of script medicines

-a grocery reciept with a url written on it

-two pieces of paper with phone numbers written on them

-palm pilot


-bus schedules

-watermelon flavoured airheads candy

-vitamin E lotion


-a collection of various writting implments, primarily cheap pens

-a card from the game Fluxx

-admit stub from disneyland


-lip balm

-nail clippers


-computer screws

-an Eyeliners pin

-pad of post-it notes

-chocolate candies

-toy pendant from some japanese candy bought the other day

back to the desk..

-keyboard and mouse and monitor

on top of the monitor:

-"new yorker" magazine desk calender

-restaurant table number, "24"

-two inu yasha figurines featurings sango and kagome

Affixed to monitor:

-harry potter "beware the dark arts" sticker

-angelic weazel figurine

-plastic tiger figurine

-post-it note with "meow" written on it

-fuzzy googly eye thingy

- frank and ernest comic "they're completely barbaric otherwise, but they make the best chocolate chip cookies in the galaxy"


two hello kitty


no tresspassing

i like shiny objects


the eyeliners

lucky kitty

anti racist

two tiny kitty stickers

three anime looking girls from one of the 50 cent sticker machines

So, what does it say about me, hmm? :} well, besides i'm really bored.


I'm craving some sort of food, but i can't figure out what.



talking to GrinningGirl

chocolate ice cream

stickers, though i need more

now playing: weird al- gotta boogie, siouxsie- kiss them for me, the murmurs- you suck



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