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14 April, 2002 - 12:11 a.m.

Yay. My hair is a nice red colour now, again. Yay.

yesterday i bought dye and went over to veganboy and crg's house and CRG dyed it for me. then me and her went to dinner, and I slept over there and came home in the morning.

Didn't do anything today really. put away laundry, cleaned the catbox. visited with a few friends.


Tired, or lethargic. I'm not sure.

Feeling antisocial. wanted to go to the movies tonight, but i didn't really wanna deal with humans, so stayed home.

ruined a shirt i liked doing the hairdyeing


My hair.

the ball of fluff in the living room that attempts to pass for a cat



venting emotions

now playing- DDR- Bumblebee, switchblade symphony- Drool, meatloaf- life is a lemon (and i want my money back)



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