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18 April, 2002 - 8:52 a.m.

went out dancing for 80's night at a club downtown. adventure. it was fun, not great music, but okay. and there was a bar/cat fight between some girls. ooohhh excitement. may go again, not sure. should see if anyone else i know might wanna go to, cuz it's the one 18+ club around. Coure, I went cuz an old friend i hadn't seen in like two years untill recently was planning to go, she didn't though. foo.

Nothing much else exciting going on. Bob May come up this weekend.

I have some special projects at werk to do, so variety! ones kinda fun too. they have all these old slides of beaches,state parks, main streets of towns 50 years ago. some of the pictures are kinda nifty. we are moving to new cases that are smaller, and plastic instead of glass. Given i'm the one person that hasn't cut themselves on the utility knife yet, i've been doing it a lot. the other is discarding old pamphlet files on wildlife and stuff, things that are so old as to be inacurate.

veganboy came over to borrow my puter last night, he needed to make a linux floppy. so i learned how to do that, yay. and now his machine will work again hopefully ;}


my net connection is being very flaky.

someone from work was sick last night, so i got to do my job, and theirs. BUSY. I managed though. I didn't finish everything, but hopefully the girls that were working last night will point out that *MY* workload was heavier than normal, plus i was doing other stuff.

Shinypants boy nuked pepperoni pizza in the breakroom and it smelled of pepperoni grease for about an hour afterwards. Boohiss to shinypants boy


Bob visiting

orange cream soda

allergy medicine. everyone was sneezing yesterday, except me.

Ideas that look like they will work.

Silly news of the weird articles

Veganboy is looking into getting a job in my building :} We could take lunches together! woohoo :} I donno how much of a chance he has getting the job, but there was an opening, and it's better than what he has now, and the graveyard schedule isn't agreeing with him as well as it used to, so we both figured he might as well try :}

cons. (click conmode ON)

shiny objects and sparklies :}

mashed potatos

Now playing: SES- dreams come true, dance hall crashers- mr. blue, garbage- androgeny



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