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20 April, 2002 - 5:46 p.m.

the importance of the size of my Body is highly overrated. (smirk)


Feeling blah. ran outta script allergy meds, so stuffed and sneezy and blah and sleepy.

kitty got hurt somehow, and had ot have surgery. blah. i barely had the $240 it cost. and he is very unhappy and growling at things. and he's got no fur on his head :{ poor thing.

busy stressful days that are good at the time, but burn you out so you crash the next day.

my yuck unclean apartment

eating too much stuff that's bad for me.

wanting to do stuff and not having energy

telling Bob something and having her get mad at me :{ , she got over it, but still.


cuddle piles


yummy food


bob coming to visit, and bringing a nice cuddlebuddy up with her :} Yum.

staying up all night talking to Bob.

Bob is coming to visit agian in two weeks

there's a con next weekend. yay.

coupons in the mail for nifty places to shop offering free stuff you want :D

Cute people who do silly things (like filling in all the empty space on your noteboard with scribbles for the mere purpose to irritate you in a silly fashion, not that i would be thinking of anyone in particular)

knowing i will probably feel better tomorrow.

my kitty is feeling well enough to still kind of try to bolt for the door when it opens, though the bolt is more of a slow crawl.

now playing: toy dolls- nellie, garbage- push it, MTX- god bless america



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