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26 April, 2002 - 9:05 a.m.

Felt really spacy most of yesterday. went around work beign a zombie. went to dinner and pet store with veganboy and CRG after work. it was fun and nice to see them both. I ended up going to sleep really early.

i have lots of stuff to do this weekend, hopefully i will do some of it.

laundry, cleaning house, other various errands.

blah. nothing really exciting going on



being tired

Opening boxes of a dozen crazed weazels.


my shoes. they are standing over on the other side of the room, and the socks i was wearing are under the heel of one, so they look like they are moonwalking. it made me giggle (i'm easily entertained)



Laying in bed lazy, and not having to get up untill i want to, and no alarm!

Donuts (though whine cuz i don't have any right now!)


now playing: weird al- albaquerque, smile dk - butterfly(upswing mix)



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