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27 April, 2002 - 8:46 a.m.

I had a pretty good day yesterday.

went to the bank and did some other errands, took out the trash, bought the new DDR game. Played new DDR game. it's harder. so i will have to learn to play better.

Had slight arguement with roomie. we agreed thursday that if i took out the trash, she's work on the dishes. and she didn't. and i pestered her about it, and we strated grumping at eachother a bit.

I wanted to go to nickel arcade with woofie to play DDR there. Rugrat works on games there, so we ended up going out to a quick dinner and going there and i pestered him, and played lots of games. and woofie showed up, and tyger did too. lots of fun. stayed till closeing. yay. my legs are kinda sore from playing so much DDR, since i played in the morning, and then again at night, but oh well.

Came home and talked with tyger for a bit, then went to sleep. Yay, Bookitty has stopped being mad at me. he slept on my bed most of the night :} Must be all the kitty treats i'm giving him :}

Today i am maybe doing some househunting with tyger and shrew, and then going to a con most likely for a bit to people watch. I should probably do some laundry too. I may try to do some of the dishes too if i have time, so it's not quite as scary.


It's really comfy here huddled under hte covers, but i'm hungry, need food, that required moving though...

they need to add another day to the week. or i need to work one less day. or they need to make not-interesting stuff happen so i can rest on my days off. though yesterday was kinda restful, at least brain wise.

it was cold and windy and slightly rainy out when i was running my errands, but it was sunny when i left, so no jacket.. Brrrrr...


getting to watch rugrat play with wires and fix stuff.

sleep. sleep is good. sleep is your friend.

i got silly prizes from the arcade silly prize thingy :}

food. food, sleep shelter, all that stuff is important.

now playing: the radio! i got tired of listening to my same old sh!t, so now listening to the radio's same ol sh!t.



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