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01 May, 2002 - 10:30 a.m.

Went to an anime con over the weekend. lots of fun. yay. got nifty stuffs.

Looking for a place to move, probably with tyger and shrew. I should start going through stuff and such.

Been having fun at werk. I've gotten re interested in werk lately, after having a bit of a blah spell, and plus we've been doing lotsa fun stuff. special projects, and parties.

I'm surprized i haven't crashed this week, i didn't relax really over the weekend, was at con. i fell asleep quickly last night, and it was when tyger and veganboy were still over here chatting with me (though mostly chatting between themselves at that point, since i was primarily unconcious for hte last 30 minutes they were there. I vaguely recall them leaving.

this weekend i am working on sunday, and friday and sat, Bob is theorethically coming up. I need to call her and make sure. If she doesn't come up, i'll prolly house hunt with shrew and tyger.

next few weeks will be busy busy...

I got a spam mail that almost made me fall over laughing. Normally spam sucks, but this was hilarious. the subject line was (minus the **'s i'm adding) "F**k me for 8 hours straight, and lose 50 lbs while doing it" All i could think was "oh no, the diet industry and p0rn industry are joining forces!" Hahahha they're trying to suck in as many as they can with that line...

still not enough to get me to actually open the thing, but it gave me a good laugh.


I got a nifty stuffie with a light up tummy, except it requires a special screwdriver to put the batteries in, which i lack :{ it looks like either one of those L shaped thingys, or a tiny one of those star shape tipped ones. i can't tell. i have one of the L ones, but i donno where it is.




NIfty artists



Now playing: Nothing. I've been playing a lot of Japanese pop music since this weekend though.



Now Playing: �

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