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07 June, 2002 - 6:06 p.m.

Yay. have DDR now. Rkitty and veganboy came over and visited yesterday, except veganboy fell asleep on the floor. We dropped Rkitty off to catch a bus around 7ish and went and got dinner, and wandered around stores. I bought some Cd's and a DVD. wanted to get UHF on dvd, but everywhere was sold out. that scares me. It was never a popular movie really, but with all the advertising, now everyone seems to want it.

It's rkitty's bday today, He is away enjoying it in cherished peace and quiet. Smart Idea. I don't think i'll get to see him before next weekend, but Oh well. I am 'possed to be unpacking and stuff anyways.

I had a kinda ucky night last night. I kept having nightmares. and then i was fianlly having a nice dream about me and someone just sitting around and her cat started attacking me and somehow choking me, and i woke up and I really was choking. I couldn't breathe. I managed to get my breath back after a minute, but it almost felt like i was drowning. :{ i couldn't breathe right for about an hour after, and medicine didn't help. I don't know if it was a weird asthma attack, or i somehow ended up doing something in my sleep to cause it. Kinda scary though.

moving will be finished this weekend. Yay. i'll be glad to have it all over.


I bruised my arm somehow, Bleh.

Yucky dreams.

the fridge hasn't shown up yet, they sent a loaner, and we told them to make it one less than 27" deep cuz otherwise it won't fit in the kitchen, and they sent a big clunky fridge. It's in the garage, since we figured a fridge in the garage is better than none at all.


Yummy food

New music to listen to

having someone fall asleep with you as their pillow.



Now Playing: moulin rouge-elephant love medley, MTX-how'd the date end, aqua- happy boys and girls �

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