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10 June, 2002 - 3:21 p.m.

busy busy weekend. Finished all the moving stuff, still unpacking though. I feel very very sick. All the dust from moving is triggering both my breathing problems and allergies. I ended up leaving work today because getting up and walking across the floor was making me dizzy and out of breath. That I'm tired as well as sore doesn't help any.

We've been discovering little things here and there around the house that need fixing. they are going to take care of most of it tomorrow. the power in the bathroom is out, the door to my room won't close all the way, there's some paint chipping here and there. Still no fridge in the house.

the cats seem to be adjusting well. we've not introduced them yet, but they are happy in their own rooms. I also am going back and forth and petting them a lot.



missing people in general, and some specific peoples particularly.

having to get used to having puter in a different room.

CRG's kitty is really sick :{


everything is in the house here at least, even if most of it still needs unpacking.


watching the kitties, cuz Mo is tiny enough to fit on the windowsills, but shadow and bookitty are too big. Mo is a tiny kitty.



Now Playing: MTX- now that you are gone, animaniacs- Burp concerto, MTX- you today �

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