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10 June, 2002 - 9:39 p.m.

I gave in to silly impulse and took advantage of my gold membership here and created a survey. It's called Lookingglass. Just some Odd questions i threw together. amuse me and fill it out if you are a diaryland member :}I was good and answered it myself, THough i do request that you fill it out first, so that my answered don't taint yours :}

I fixed the bathroom light, he checked the reset switches in the bathroom itself, but the hallway outlet is on the same circuit and so that was the problem, i just happened to notice it. but we still can't get the a/c working. random circuits keep tripping and some of the outlets just plain ol don't work. Blah. the electrician comes out tomorrow though.

It's way too hot. blah. I still don't feel well.. blah.


I kinda wanna curl up and hide today.



Sat down and read and petted cat for about an hour this afternoon. I haven't been reading enough lately.





Now Playing: Wreckage- Planet earth, S.E.S- U, Delirium-Enchanted �

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