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11 June, 2002 - 9:37 p.m.

missed a few hours of work today, in the middle of my shift. Went to the med centre to get breathing treatments done cuz i was feeling so faint. Boss was unhappy, but implied she'd be a lot more unhappy if i'd passed out on her.

I kept messing things up i was so out of it. i dropped a whole box of prepared slides(in numberic order) all over the floor, needless to say, they were no longer in numberic order :P and i was trying to dissassemble a broken one and it shattered all over the table. talent, no? all in all, i've had a pretty crappy day.

I have a huge black and purple bruise on my leg :{ it's nasty looking and HURTS. It's over 4 inched in diametre, and i have no clue what i did, prolly was moving something heavy and bumped into something and was more focused on not dropping whatever i was carrying...


Too busy. I have not had time for friends at all.

the kitties are stareing at me.

I feel all wonky from the breathing treatment today.

I broke a nail today. :P


Uhmm.. (thinks)


Friends who call to say hi

orange juice.



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