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12 June, 2002 - 7:09 p.m.

La la la. At werk. Bored.

they were mean and stored the cake and stuff for a presentation on cooking in our breakroom so everyone is craving sugar now. We are currently plotting to ambush them and steal the chocolate cake. Us girls are too chicken though, but the boys overheard us and volunteered to go on the ambush...

lots of sillyness at work today. found an old advert for hershey's kisses in a cooking magazine and posted it in the breakroom, it's a picture of a hershey's kiss with the caption "in case of emergency, pull here"

a few of us had a polite yet somewhat heated disscussion over how hollywood thinks that if you merely put glasses on a girl, she is no longer cute, spawned by an ad for the new scooby do movie, we had a consensus that velma is cuter than daphne....

at werk all day la la la

only 2 more hours to go.

i need to buy cat food, and i want to go to fry's. i have no time though.


fry's need to be open until 11pm.



silly coworkers



Now Playing: the sound of clicking keyboards and turning pages, since i'm at werk �

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