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15 June, 2002 - 7:51 a.m.

(yawn) It's saturday, why am I up so early? I went to sleep totally early though because i was just so tired my brain ceased functioning. I think i was asleep before 11pm. I've been Up to about an hour already too. played with Bookitty for a bit before giving up denile and getting up and wandering to my friend the computer. Tyger and Shrew are going to a picnicy thing today. I am going to do laundry, maybe work on housey stuff for a bit, clean or unpack or something, and hopefully in the afternoon i'll get to visit with rkitty some.

work yesterday was pretty boring. no supervision, and it was really really slow. with no one around to poke at us to work on something, we all just kinda sat around bored. the new girl didn't show up agian, which brought about some excitement. We've been helping second floor catch up on stuff the last few weeks, and they bought us a bag of Jelly belly belly flops to say thank you. Yum. So then we were bored and hyper. we had a puter freak out and kept crashing at the windows startup screen, so 4 of us sat around peering at it for a bit and laughing that 4 of us were doing it.

Next week i have friday off, I want to convince someone (any volunteers?) to go do something fun. Not sure what though. great america, or the jelly belly factory, or wander up to the city, something silly and touritsy. Or maybe a picnic. something fun and not stressful. preferably something silly and local that i haven't done before... those type of things tend to be more fun when you drag someone with you though.


I hate it when my thoughts just kind of downward spiral. I start over worrying about something. start obsessing about it, then i notice, and obesess about obessing, and then obsessing about obsessing about obsessing, and you get the idea :P just when your brain gets really stuck on somehting blah and will not stop, even though you know you shouldn't be thinking about it so much

Our oven is being wonky again. blah.

discovering the bad thing about having puters all in one room. we all use things a lot that make/use sound. I like to watch anime and play music, and shrew likes to play EQ with the sounds turned up. I can put a puter in my room to watch anime and dvd's though, once i get it back, which should be today.






Now Playing: oingo boingo- can't see (useless), Wheatus-hump'em and dump'em, Mtx- more than toast �

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