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16 June, 2002 - 9:50 a.m.

Mostly sat around doing nothing yesterday. I organised one cabinet in the kitchen, swept, and took out trash. oohhh ahhhh. Wandered out and bought some yummy pastry things. was hoping to visit with rkitty, but he ended up sleeping all day. I went out to dinner with shrew and tyger. Then veganboy came over and we watched UHF (Shrew had never seen it before!!!) Hehehe.

we let the kitties wander yesterday. they are getting along okay. no real fights. one incident of lots of hissing and spitting, but that's all. we are putting them back in their rooms when we are not here still though for the most part.

Oh, i did laundry too. we still have no washer/dryer, but the laundrymat here isn't that scary, so. it's expensive, 1.50 wash 1.25 dry Oh well. we still have no fridge in the house, either :P


sad sad veganboy's daddy died yesterday.

my breathing is getting icky again :P

need more cuddles, suffering cuddle withdrawl



yummy food

at least getting a little bit of stuff organized

people who melt when you play with their hair :}



Now Playing: offspring- end of line, incubus- nice to know you, NFG- still the one �

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