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19 June, 2002 - 8:47 a.m.

the new girl who never showed up at werk is gone. she was cute, and nice, but she never showed up. so they are going to start looking at applications.

I got some of her hours though, so i'm working 5 days a week again instead of 4. except i realized that while i have to werk sunday after 4th of july, i don't werk thurs, friday or saturday. I need to figure out if i want that weekend to be a relax weekend, or If i want to go do something.

this weekend on sunday me, shrew and tyger are going to go to Great america. I've never been to this one here, even though i've lived here a while. most everyone here is always bored with it and don't want to go, so i've never found someone to go with, and it's expensive. I need ot find out how much a season pass is, if i can afford it, i want one, cuz i could just go for a few hours or something if i wanted, and then going by myself is okayer with me. I don't really want to spend all day there by myself. I've been to six flags magic mountain, and great america in, uhm, the chicago one. i can't rememebr what city it's actually in, gurnee? it's actualy in WI i think, or near the border. I went there with my neighbour when i was like 12-13 or so. I just missed getting stuck on Demon for two hours. the cars i think 2 or so behind us (it was stuck by the time we got out of the exit queue) was stuck in the corkscrew loop. it was there for around two hours before the had a crane thingy like the ones telephone/electric companies use for someone to stand on, and slowly started trying to get people out without dropping them. I've been to magic mountain a few times, mostly for school trips with clubs.

we need someone else to go with us though. CRG said she would like to come maybe, but with her mate, which makes us still an odd number, much fun, they're both fun and nifty, and i want to see them both very much, but it's still an odd number, thus not solving the problem of wanting an extra person so no one have to sit with normal people on the rides :} the few others i've asked are working, or i know they are working so i didn't ask (hisses at veganboys werk on merit) Oh well, we can always trade off who sits where :}

CPG wrote and recorded this really really cute song. it's nifty and silly and good. i'd never heard her sing before, she's pretty good.

i've been lazy about finishing unpacking the not-used-much stuff from the move, i still have about 4-5 boxes in my room. I should unpack them. i want to try to do that either friday or saturday. I will have the house to myself friday, so probably then. if not friday, then saturday, unless i get lazy, which is highly possible. the one thing that's shocked me about myself this move around is that except for a few things, i haven't put any of my artwork back up. that's usually one of the first things. this time around, the bookcase has been the thing to have perfect, and the puters. life has been busy as well, so less time to think about unpacking things i don't use all the time.


allergies :P (sneeze)

both my housemates are busy too, so they haven't unpacked either, so the whole house is still half in boxes. I couldn't find a can opener when i needed one the other day. :P

I need to find time to run errands too. and do more laundry, friday may end up in errands instead. the only other time i could would be tomorrow night, but i was maybe going to go do wtuff with veganboy and CRG.






Now Playing: Nothing. though i have Nin's Somehting i can never have stuck in my head �

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