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19 September, 2002 - 8:00 a.m.

I signed up for class the other day. I lucked out. there were 3 sections of the class, and 2 were full, and one had 34 of 35 seats taken. So I BARELY got in the class. I ordered my books online and they are suppossed to be here tomorrow. No Lines! I registered online, got books online. this is nice. the books weren't too expensive either, $70 for everything including the workbook. there were some cd's i could get too, but those were another $80 and only optional. I'll see what the teacher says about them. If it looks like I would really use then, i'll get them. The one annoying thing is the first day of class is on my bday! :P :P Oh well. I haven't planned anything anyways.

I'm not visiting Bob. She is lacking a wallet, so she doesn't exist, and she doesn't want to risk getting pulled over with no id and no money and such, cuz she was going to drive me home.

Erk. Sillyness. I got used to having grinninggirl taking up half my bed this week, so when i went to sleep, i slept where my pillows were, on one side. about halfway through the night i went "oh wait, i can take up the whole bed if i want!"

on another bed note, i think i need a new one. my back is starting to hurt a lot in the mornings. Foo. this one is only about hmmmm 6 years old. that's pretty long for a futon. maybe i'll start looking for a new one.

I need to get new lenses for my glasses too, i should do that. i wonder how much it costs. i haven't gotten new lenses since i lost my eye insurance like 3 years ago. My old ones still work, but they are scratched and give me a headache if i wear them for more than an hour, hence why i NEVER where them unless i have to, like if i'm stuck in the back of class and need to see the board. they are only for reading, so. i think it shouldn't be more than $200 total? i could prolly afford that i think.


My back hurts :P

Why am I awake at 8am? Grrr. I've been awake since 6. I woke up to use the bathroom, and shrew had the lights on, so i stopped and chatted for a bit and stuff, and then the sun started coming up and i was awake.

It's already warm out! ugh. it's possed to be in the low 90's today. better then the prediction at the begining of the week, where they said today would prolly be 95ish, but still.

the recycly people still suck. I wish it would help that they are my employer and that should mean that all departments should know my address exists, but that's the gov't for you, side A doesn't know anything about what side B is doing :P :P I don't like not existing. :P


I re-arranged some things in my room a few days ago, and it feels like there is so much more space now. I clean through junk and threw some things out too.

Being able to maybe afford things i need.


Life, i Donno. I'm pretty much happy today aside from life's little annoyances. It's still suck a shocking thing to me sometimes. I like life, Life is okay, life is not sucking.



Now Playing: meat beat manifesto- everything counts, weird al- this song is just 6 words long, mtx- you're the only one �

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