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2001-06-30 - silly cat
2001-06-28 - drugged philosophy
2001-06-27 - YUM!
2001-06-26 - cheer
2001-06-25 - busy busy
2001-06-23 - blah blah blah
2001-06-22 - more blah stuff
2001-06-30 - lucky kitty
2001-06-21 - sad
2001-06-20 - fone yay
2001-06-17 - boxes boxes
2001-06-13 - missing...
2001-06-11 - I've won! yay!
2001-06-10 - blah
2001-06-08 - tired
2001-06-06 - you're a star!
2001-06-06 - Yum, Chocolate.
2001-06-05 - whine
2001-06-04 - blushing
2001-05-31 - Shouting
2001-05-31 - purr
29-5-01 - Melted Yum
2001-05-20 - lapdances
2001-05-18 - Mew
2001-05-17 - cylinder cynical cynners :}
2001-05-15 - happy babble
2001-05-14 - Smitten Kittens, Skunks and Ostri
2001-05-10 - Yum
2001-05-07 - My Boring day
2001-05-06 - Hyper
2001-05-03 - searching pockets
2001-04-29 - thank you
2001-04-26 - grey matter
2001-04-25 - pointless, don't read :}
2001-04-24 - who do you want to be today?
2001-04-22 - Demoness Mentia
2001-04-22 - stained
2001-04-18 - 13 lines
2001-04-15 - Bubbles.
2001-04-09 - ponderings
2001-04-06 - spring cleaning
2001-04-05 - My day
2001-04-03 - god is a bullet
2001-04-03 - stranded
2001-04-1 - Just call me Brook, cuz I'm Babbling
2001-06-02 - Floating penguins
2001-05-29 - meowyum
2001-05-29 - meowyum
2001-06-24 - v. icky dream.
2001-05-11 - Short entry
2001-04-12 - Whelmed
2001-04-10 - Ring Ring.

jan-mar 2001
apr-jun 2001
jul-sep 2001
oct-dec 2001
jan-mar 2002
apr-jun 2002
jul-sep 2002
oct-dec 2002

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